What currency are the prices in?

Automatic,depends on currency of your current location

The displayed currency depends on your location. It is automatically set, but you can change it at will, thanks to a button found both in the top right corner and the bottom left corner.


I just placed an order. When will it be shipped?

We do our best, so items are shipped as fast as possible. The average shipping times are 6-15 days. Please allow 24 to 72 hours of processing time for your order to be shipped out.

Tracking numbers are updated 2-4 days after your order has been shipped. Please email us if you don’t have a tracking number after 7 business days.


I found an issue with the delivered goods. I did not like what I ordered. Can I return my order?

You will have your money back in full if the product is damaged or defective. Just claim a full refund if you send it back within 30 days. You will have to pay yourself to ship the product back.

Once we have received the product, we will refund the total amount of your original purchase. Please enclose your name and the order number on the package you send back.

However, you must wait for your parcel to arrive before claiming a refund and returning it. You cannot simply cancel your order while the shipment is still on the way.


Is it possible to cancel my order?

There will be no cancellation fee if you request a cancellation on our order. You must cancel your order before it is shipped. If the item is already sent, email us, and we will arrange the matter. You will have your order refunded in full.


I made my order after entering the wrong address. What now?

You have typically received an order confirmation email. Give it a reply and tell us so. Letting the auto-filler do its job or misspelling happens to anybody. Once you have double-checked that the provided address is wrong, kindly notify us through our Contact Us page. If the address is faulty, we can change it to the correct one within 24 hours.

It is unlikely that a refund will be given once 24 hours are passed after incorrect submission, though. But it can happen.


How long does shipping take?

Shipping times vary as we ship worldwide from different fulfillment centers based on location. You can expect a shipping time of 6-15 business days.


I have a question that wasn’t answered. Can you please help?

Absolutely! We are here to help you! We will glady do our utmost to assist you, so send us an email!

We do receive a large number of emails. If you wish to get a prompt response, please attach your order number and address the problem clearly. Thanks.